Fundraising Projects

Our organization is just getting started so we do not have a featured fundraising project at this time.

We are accepting donations to either help fund supplies to register dogs and keep the website maintained or for future fundraising projects that directlty benefit a HMD organization, person preserving HMDs, or an individual Himalayan Mountain Dog that has a urgent need.

If you would like to donate money to Himalayan Mountain Dog Registry to help us with supplies to register dogs and maintian our website you can donate any amount through our PayPal donation page or contribute to building funds for future fundraising projects.

Donate to Fundraising Projects

Donate to Registration Supplies and Website Maintenance

We are an all volunteer organization. No one is paid for their work. Your contribution (minus fees we have to pay) will go to the program you specify.

See our "About Fundrasing" page for information regarding our fundraising projects and how to apply to be featured and receive funds as they become available.

© Himalayan Mountain Dog Registry