About HMDR's Fundraising Projects
How to Apply

HMDR is committed to the preservation of the HMD.

Our funding for our featured projects depends public donations and people who provide donatations when they register their dogs.

Fundraising projects can be for organizations preserving the HMD, individuals who are preserving HMDs, or individual dogs in need.

We are always looking for reputable people who can coordinate local fundraising in their communities for dogs in their community. Please contact us at HMDregistry@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering to help raise funds.

If you would like to apply for funds please fill out the Application for Donation, download it, and email it to HMDregistry@gmail.com We will get back to you as soon as possible.

The granting of funds is determined by need, impact on the preservation of the HMD and of course, the availability of funds.

© Himalayan Mountain Dog Registry